Instruction for authors

Manuscripts should be submitted in the electronic form to the address of the Editorial Board: and additionally to the address of the Secretary of the Board:

We kindly ask the authors to prepare their manuscripts for publication in the columns of Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne in compliance with the following principles:


  1. Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
  • Author’s first name and surname followed by institutional affiliation (e.g., Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji) and the e-mail address
  • Title of the work
  • Main text divided into parts with respective subtitles
  • Bibliography (rendered in compliance with Point 3)
  • Title in English (capital letters)
  • Summary in the English language (maximum length: 250 words)
  • Keywords in English (maximum number: 6 words or phrases)
  • Summary in the Polish language (maximum length: 250 words)
  • Keywords in Polish (maximum number: 6 words or phrases)
  • In the case of doctoral students it is necessary to submit a positive opinion of the supervisor of the doctoral dissertation



  1. The main text should be rendered in compliance with the following parametres:
  • The length should not exceed 1 (one) publishing sheet
  • Type 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Spacing between lines – 1.5; paragraph indent – 1.25 cm
  • Text should be aligned from the left to the right margin (justified)


  1. Bibliography should be given in the following order:

a) legal acts in hierarchical order

b) case-law decisions

c) secondary resources in alphabetical order


Please note the examples for the format and punctuation that should be followed:


Flathman R., The public interest. An essay concerning the normative discourse of politics, New York–London–Sydney 1966.

Humphreys M., European Union Law, Oxford 2014.


Chapter within a book:

Góralski W.M., Legal order of the EU and European Communities, [in:] The European Union. Origins-Structure-Acquis, W.M. Góralski, Sz. Kardaś (eds), Warszawa 2008.


Scientific article/paper:

Wehberg H., Pacta Sunt Servanda, “The American Journal of International Law”, Volume 53, No. 4.

d) primary sources

e) electronic journals/www pages



  1. References should be given in compliance with the following:
  • Type 11 pt Times New Roman
  • Space between the lines not less than 1.5
  • Exclusively in the footnote form


  1. Examples for the format and punctuation that should be followed:
  • monograph:


T. Ginsburg, Locking in Democracy: Constitutions, Commitment, and International Law, New York 2005-2006, p. 713-721.


  • magazine/journal:

M. Kaika, The Water Framework Directive: A New Directive for a Changing Social, Political and Economic European Framework, “European Planning Studies” 2003, Volume 11, Issue 3, p. 299-316.

  • in the case of repetitions:
  1. Direct repetition (straight after the work cited) – Ibidem, s. 36.
  2. Repetition of the same work following other references – N. Cambell, op. cit., s. 68.
  3. Repetition following other references, in the case where a few works by the same author have already been cited – J. Baker, An introduction…, op. cit, s. 257.



  • legal acts:

Criminal Procedure Act, 11.7.1997/689.

Treaty on European Union, Maastricht 1992.

Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide services.


  • judgements of courts:

Costa V Enel (Case 6/64) [1964] ECR 585, Court of Justice of the European Communities


  • www pages: (14.09.2015).


Attention: Reviews and reports should be accompanied by the title and keywords in English. A gloss is treated like a scientific article.

The detailed instruction concerning preparation of materials submitted for printing, which is binding in Publishing company of the Opole University, can be found on the Publisher’s webpage:


The instruction is also accessible here

Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Opolskiego