Responsibilities of the Editorial Board/Guiding principles

  • Responsibilities of the Editorial Board regarding publishing standards

By accepting the manuscript for publication in Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne, the Editorial Board:

  • assess its compliance with the thematic profile of the Journal,
  • make sure whether all the authors have been indicated and accepted the final version of the text,
  • assess whether the analysis which is carried out in the article is original and is of the scientific character,
  • diagnose and eliminate instances of ghostwriting and guest authorship,
  • endeavor to eliminate cases of plagiarism and inform the contributor of their suspicion, as well as notify the institution which the author is affiliated with,
  • analyze in detail all cases or manifestations of violation of the principles of ethics applicable to scientific publications and inform the author concerned in writing of the objections, requesting the contributor to respond to the allegation,
  • forward the text to be published provided it satisfies the binding ethical principles and has been positively opinioned by two Referees,
  • notify the author – in the case of conditional acceptance of the manuscript for publication when the Referees pointed to the necessity of introducing changes or/and complementing the text – of the need to make substantive corrections to the manuscript,
  • notifies the author – in the case of obtaining two reviews in the negative – of rejecting the manuscript concerned and not considering it for further editing and publishing process.



  • Impartiality

Accepting a manuscript for publication, the Editorial Board is concerned primarily with its originality, quality and compliance with the profile of the Journal, not the author’s origin, nationality, ethnic belonging, political views, sex, race of religious denomination.


  • Confidentiality

The Editorial Board do not disclose to the Referees the data relating to the author; neither do they reveal to the contributors the data relating to the Referees.


  • Preventing conflicts of interests

The Editorial Board does not appoint Referees for reviewing of works submitted by authors who are in any way directly related to the former on the functional basis or remain in other forms of direct relation to them, either of the professional or personal character.


  • Responsibility for the published texts

The Editorial Board exacts from the authors and Referees respecting the principles of ethics which are in force for the Journal and takes care of abiding by good editorial practices. As regards this respect, the Board takes responsibility for texts published in the columns of Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne.

Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Opolskiego